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Randy Kritkausky

Dancing Deer / Ballet in the Snow

Dancing Deer / Ballet in the Snow

Without music, slowly

they enter stage left

watching us, watch them.

Feet unbound,

shoeless uncostumed dancers

they pirouette

forelegs gracefully waving

hind legs supporting

lithe bodies.

Nibbling low cedar limbs

eating while dancing

on a snowy stage

aspiring to weight gain

not anorexial aesthetics.

I’d seen the Bolshoi

Russian Christmas eve

in Moscow, spellbound

convinced the performance

was once in a lifetime.

Now the dancers come

performing for free

outside our window

no posters or marquee

no printed program

they arrive unexpected

and leave at will.

Nureyev and Nijinsky

cannot hold a candle

to deer dancing

on hind legs

in a Vermont forest.

Randy Kritkausky

February 18, 2022


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